
Modern combat versus monark
Modern combat versus monark

modern combat versus monark

While Monark may not be suited for close quarters combat, he is equipped with a pistol, which is a more viable option to equip than a sniper rifle in close quarters, however the pistol has limited damage and ammunition. Note that this same delay does not occur when used during (the poorly accurate) hip fire mode. This delay in firing effectively removes quick-scoping. Only when these lines meet to form a red hexagon does the VON 7 shoot. Upon aiming at the target and starting to shoot, orange lines appear and move towards the center. The rifle has a few seconds of hesitation upon firing. The rifle sight looks strange - but it is useful. Without using precision aiming, the VON 7 has very low accuracy with hip fire, but it has got very big range and damage.

modern combat versus monark

He is very efficient at long range combat and has a very high IQ. He is easily recognized by his French accent, which he claims to have 'cultivated (himself), to emulate the greatest of all cultures.' His name derives from his (failed) attempt to govern a part of the Void (a 'Macropolis'). He is one of two Agents to use a sniper rifle in the game, the VON 7. Monark is an Agent in Modern Combat Versus and is an assassin. I feel it makes me sound superior.yet pleasant. Now.I do not blame you for being curious, but my accent is something I cultivated myself - to emulate the greatest of all cultures, and to differentiate myself from the common herd. What were we talking about again? Me? Good.

modern combat versus monark

It was a shame, really… If I HAD been crowned monarch, I COULD have helped clean up the slums - just as Korp has always wished! Things being as they are, however, I chose to join up as an Agent - a choice that I feel makes the most of my unique gifts to the world. My skills, you see, are beyond the extraordinary, and my IQ is the highest the world has ever SEEN - so, naturally, those in my vicinity often feel rather ill at ease. Of course, those who fought me lost…very, VERY badly. Korp was not…how you say…“thrilled” with the idea… So much so that they sent a number of guards to strike me from the face of the planet. An “extremely credible source” once told me that I should attempt to reinstate the concept of a monarchy…to become king of this Macropolis.

Modern combat versus monark